The Best Vacuum Cleaner in Japan: Expert Review in 2025

Best Vacuum Cleaner in Japan

A device that uses suction power to clear up all the dirt from the surface is usually familiar as a vacuum cleaner or a hoover. The invention of vacuum cleaners has been done to reduce the extra labor of household cleaning. In general, vacuum cleaners work by electricity. While using this device, dirt is stored in a dust bag or a cyclone for later disposal. The procedure of using a vacuum cleaner is very easy and simple. So, it is very popular in almost every household. If you are looking for a robotic vacuum cleaner, you can check out this article: Best Robotic Vacuum Cleaners in Japan.

Now let’s discuss the top 6 brands that will fulfill your demand for sure.

If you are in a hurry, you can buy the best item based on your budget, preference, and our recommendation given below. Based on our study, we concluded that-
– The Overall Best – Makita Rechargeable Vacuum Cleaner
– The Editor’s Choice – Mitsubishi Electric Vacuum Cleaner
– The Premium Quality Product – Tailulu Cordless Vacuum Cleaner

Mitsubishi Electric Vacuum Cleaner
Mitsubishi Electric Vacuum Cleaner

Brand: Mitsubishi Electric
Item Weight: 3.6 Kilograms
Surface Recommendation: All floors
Dust collecting capacity: 0.4 gal (1.5 L)
Power Source: Corded Electric

Short description of Mitsubishi Electric vacuum cleaner:

The Mitsubishi vacuum cleaner is one of the heaviest vacuum cleaners in the market. Sometimes high-quality machine parts weigh a little more than copy products. And thus, the materials with original body kits also weigh higher. Despite being a little heavier, it’s compact size makes it easy to carry.

This is also a power cord-type vacuum cleaner. Because of the large handle, cleaning in the difficult and unreachable corners of your house becomes easy. Its suction power is also impressive. Mitsubishi Electric vacuum cleaner is the only long-handled cleaner on this product listing.

Makita Rechargeable Vacuum Cleaner
Photo: Makita Rechargeable Vacuum Cleaner

Brand: Makita
Model Number: ‎CL107FDSHW
Power consumption: 32 W
Power Source: Battery operated

Short description of Makita vacuum cleaner:

Among all the vacuum cleaners available online, this one is the most convenient one to use. Most of the customers are satisfied with the exciting features provided by the Makita rechargeable vacuum cleaner. Because of its high suction power and lightweight, cleaning with this is fun.

As this vacuum cleaner is rechargeable, you do not need to worry about load shedding, and you may do your job whenever you are free. Due to these exciting features, the Makita vacuum cleaner has earned the first position in the Amazon bestseller rank.

Electrolux Cordless Vacuum Cleaner
Electrolux Cordless Vacuum Cleaner

Brand: Electrolux
Model Number: ‎WQ61-1OGG
Item Weight: 2.65 Kilograms
Noise Level: ‎79 dB
Form Factor: Handheld
Power Source: Battery Powered

Short description of Electrolux vacuum cleaner:

Electrolux cleaner is another weightful model on this listing, though it is easy to operate like other models. As it is rechargeable, it gives you the freedom to use it anytime and anywhere you want.

The head of this cleaner moves side to side for stress-free cleaning. So, you do not need to change the direction of the vacuum cleaner again and again. You can operate this cleaner in both normal mode and high-power mode according to your need. The feedback till now from the customers is pretty decent.

Tailulu Cordless Vacuum Cleaner
Tailulu Cordless Vacuum Cleaner

Brand: Tailulu
Power consumption:550W
Capacity: 1.5 Liters
Noise Level: ‎62 dB
Power Source: Battery operated

Short description of Honiture vacuum cleaner:

If you are looking for a uniquely designed vacuum cleaner with all the facilities added, then Tailulu Cordless Vacuum might be the best choice for you. With an attractive look, it also provides you with three power modes to operate. Besides, it is rechargeable. So, you may carry this lightweight stuff anywhere you need.

The LED light feature is also installed to add extra demand for this vacuum to the customers. Besides, it comes with three types of different-sized brushes that help in your best cleaning experience.

Cordless Vacuum Cleaner
Photo: Leacco Cordless Vacuum Cleaner

Brand: Leacco
Power consumption: 250 W
Capacity: 700 Milliliters
Noise Level: ‎65 dB
Power Source: Battery operated

Short description of Leacco vacuum cleaner:

Leacco vacuum cleaner is another powerful and rechargeable product that is very stylish with its features and facilities. The strong suction motor will suck all kinds of particles from your home surface. It provides both standard and strong-type functioning facilities so that you can operate according to your need. Besides, it is also lightweight and easy to move.

Leacco Vacuums are one of the less noisy cleaners available now. Moreover, the LED light adds extra beauty to this product.

Iwoly Vacuum Cleaner
Photo: Iwoly Vacuum Cleaner

Brand: iwoly
Power consumption: 600 W
Noise Level: ‎80 dB
Power Source: Power cord type

Short description of Iwoly vacuum cleaner:

This iwoly brand is another powerful and highly convenient model on the list. This vacuum cleaner provides about 600 W power with an air turbine head that helps to clear out all kinds of dirt from the surface. With a high-power facility, this vacuum cleaner is also lightweight so you can move it quickly.

A power cord is used to operate this iwoly vacuum cleaner. As it is not rechargeable, you may face some issues while cleaning a large hall room. You may need to use an extra power cable to connect the vacuum cleaner to the power plugging point. Otherwise, this product is very convenient and user-friendly.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about vacuum cleaners:

How powerful should the vacuum cleaner be?

If you are cleaning your apartment, a vacuum cleaner with 250-320 watts of power should be a good range. Many industrial and commercial company cleaners consume on an average of 1000-4000 watts depending upon their application. The machine power is not an indication of how powerful the cleaner is. It tells us how much energy requires to work. Airflow and suction power are the core performance meter for a vacuum cleaner to figure out how efficient it is.

How much does it consume electricity?

Power usage of vacuum cleaners varies from machine to machine. Besides, a hard flat floor is easier to vacuum than a thick carpet. A carpet usually needs more than one pass to be fully clean. Again, some extra features like lights and sensors also affect the usage of power. So, more facilities require more power and electricity.

Is there any soundproof vacuum cleaner?

Sound in a vacuum cleaner generates from the air that moves around and hits the cleaner inside in different parts. With noise, the machine also creates vibration. Mostly, vacuum cleaners are made of plastics that produce even louder noise. If you are looking for quieter products, you need to move on to stick vacuums. It is familiar with its compact design. But if you are looking for some powerful deep cleaner, it is not the one for you.

Is an expensive vacuum worth it?

i. Higher-priced vacuum cleaners cost a little higher because of their expensive parts. Products or parts of higher quality will surely cost higher. But sometimes, a high price does not provide a surety of high quality because of the design. The more compact it is, the more it is easy to use or carry. Because of high-quality body kits, the machine’s weight gets higher, making it uncomfortable to use.
ii. Expensive vacuum cleaners provide extra features and facilities which might not be necessary according to the average needs.
iii. Expensive cleaners last longer than cheap products. So, you may stay tension-free for a good period. But when it comes to maintenance, parts of expensive vacuum cleaners are rare to find.

Some dos and don’t dos while choosing a vacuum cleaner:

There are a few things that you must notice while buying a vacuum cleaner. Like –
i. Be sure about the purpose of the vacuum cleaner. Some people buy it to clean carpets only. In contrast, some others use it to clean the entire residence. Always try to select the one which is easy to move and carry.
ii. Any electronic products need proper maintenance. You will find vacuum cleaners in both bagged and bagless condition. Bagged vacuum cleaners need to be replaced from time to time. And bagless vacuum cleaners are easier to use and maintain.
iii. Recently, modern vacuum cleaners have come up with filters and UV disinfection technology that neutralize bacteria, and viruses from the surface. So, those with issues with allergies try to purchase a vacuum cleaner with advanced technologies.
iv. Don’t go for expensive products. The expensive ones don’t need to last longer and be of good quality. Before buying one, read all the instructions and product reviews.
v. Noise is a vital issue for buying a vacuum cleaner. You obviously will not like a machine that creates a huge amount of noise.
vi. Before buying a vacuum cleaner, you must know the processes to operate it. Sometimes lack of knowledge leads to misuse of these electronic items that finally fail the product.

Other points to notice

Before using a vacuum machine, be sure about each function and how it should be operated. Sometimes lack of knowledge may lead to unwanted failure of any functionality. Suppose you buy a very stylish and high-quality vacuum cleaner but start using it without following the user manual and guidelines, and the vacuum cleaner gets damaged within a few days. In that case, you can not claim the manufacturers for this failure. Every machine needs to go through some steps to be operated. So, before operating, know how to use it. There are many vacuums with different facilities and functions. Choose wisely according to your necessity. To read more reviews on home appliances such as coffee makers, bidet toilet seats, floor mats, gaming chairs, and microwave ovens, you can check our home appliance category articles on the Sakuron Japan website. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us.

You can also check the Amazon bestseller vacuum cleaners list:

DiscountBestseller No. 1
掃陀機コヌド匏【 33000Pa超匷力吞匕・1.2KG軜量】LUNINO サむクロン掃陀機 2024初登堎 2WAY スティッククリヌナヌ 玙パック䞍芁 HEPA倚局濟過 5M電源コヌド 巊右180º䞊䞋90º回転可胜 コヌド匏掃陀機 家庭甚/䞀人暮らし/レンタルハりス 日本PSE認蚌枈【カヌペット/カヌテン/ハヌドフロアに適甚】日本語取扱説明曞 (ホワむト) 敬老の日 プレれント HS827
  • ⭐【33000pa匷力掃陀機】LUNINOは軜量で匷力吞匕の掃陀機を立ち䞊げたす。スティッククリヌナヌは安定したパワヌのハむパワヌブラシレスモヌタヌを搭茉したす。粒子状物質を玠早く吞い蟌み、ホコリやゎミが溜たる心配がなく、ONをワンクリックで効率的に掃陀できたす。硬い床から柔らかいカヌペットたで、さたざたな皮類の床や壁に匷力な吞匕力を発揮したす。掃陀機本䜓は盎線状の゚アダクトを採甚し、吞匕ロスを軜枛し掃陀効率を倧幅に向䞊させたす。䜙分な゚ネルギヌや時間を費やすこずなく、飛び散ったコヌヒヌ豆、玙くず、ペットの毛などを簡単に掃き出すこずができたす。
  • ⭐【軜量蚭蚈・5Mコヌド匏掃陀機】掃陀機本䜓の重さはわずか0.8kgです。2in1隙間掃陀甚ノズルを組み立おからにコヌド匏掃陀機は1.09kgだけです。さらに、フロアノズル甚掃陀機の重さは1.2kgです。軜量蚭蚈なので女性や青少幎でも片手でさたざたな郚品の分解や組み立おができお、窓蟺や゚アコンのホコリも簡単に掃陀できたす。LUNINOスティッククリヌナヌは突然の電力切れの心配がなく、電源に接続しおすぐに䜿甚できたす。ワむダヌの長さは5メヌタヌで郚屋のどこにでも届くので、家党䜓を枅朔に保ちたす。
  • ⭐【HEPA倚局濟過システム・ストレヌゞ易い】LUNINO掃陀機は耇数の濟過システムを䜿甚しお汚れを陀去したす。サむクロン分離、HEPA濟過を実珟し、现かい粉塵をロックし、二次汚染を拒吊したす。オヌバルのボタンを抌すだけでモヌタヌずダストカップ気軜いでが分離したす。取り倖し可胜な掗えるフィルタヌを装備し、掃陀がより䟿利で安心です。パッケヌゞには壁掛け収玍パヌツず電源コヌドブラケット付きが付属したす。䜿甚しないずきは、電源コヌドをスタンドに巻き付けお保管できたす。家の堎所を取らず自由に収玍できたす。🎁【限定期間キャンペヌン】今ご泚文いただくず、亀換甚フィルタヌセットがもらえるお䞀人様回お気軜に説明曞の連絡先より匊瀟たでご応募しおください
  • ⭐【2IN1・倚機胜掃陀機】LUNINO掃陀機は2぀の取り倖し可胜なチュヌブが付属しおおり、スティック掃陀機ず携垯甚手持ち掃陀機に自由に倉換できたす。ご家庭のさたざたなニヌズにお応えしたす。 LUNINO コヌド付き掃陀機には 2 ぀のノズル/ブラシが装備されおおり、あらゆる皮類の床の掃陀に適しおいたす。䞀般的に䜿甚されおいるフロアブラシに加えお、゜ファやキヌボヌドなどの隙間に適した1台2圹のブラシもございたす。 LUNINO 倚機胜掃陀機は、家の床、゜ファ、カヌテン、ベッド、テヌブル、壁などを簡単に凊理できたす。
DiscountBestseller No. 2
ツむンバヌド 掃陀機 コヌド匏 スティック掃陀機 ハンディクリヌナヌ サむクロン 軜量 2WAY パワフル 自立匏 スケルトンブラック TC-E123SBK
  • 【軜量×パワフル】軜さずパワフルさを䞡立した䟿利なスティック&ハンディの2wayクリヌナヌ。吞蟌み仕事率は70W。軜いながらもパワヌは十分なので、これ1台で郚屋䞭楜々お掃陀できたす。
  • 【シリヌズ环蚈販売台数120䞇台突砎※ロングセラヌの掃陀機】お客様の声をもずに现郚の調敎を繰り返し、その圧倒的な「䜿いやすさ」からたくさんの人にご愛甚頂いおおりたす。※2023幎10月時点 TC-E123シリヌズで集蚈
  • 【サむクロン匏だから吞匕力が持続】遠心力でゎミず空気を分離。フィルタヌの目詰たりが少なく吞匕力が持続したす。アりタヌフィルタヌず垃フィルタヌの2局構造で埮现なゎミやほこりをしっかり取り陀きたす。
  • 【䟿利なダブルスむッチ】スティック匏でもハンディ匏でも手元でON/OFF切替可胜。かがたずに、簡単操䜜が可胜です。
DiscountBestseller No. 3
【12000pa 匷力吞匕】掃陀機 コヌドレス スティック掃陀機 2WAY ハンディヌ クリヌナヌ スティック 䞀クリヌナヌ 電気掃陀機 5皮類ノズル 軜量 Type-C充電匏 䞀人暮らし HEPAフィルタヌ 日本語取扱説明曞 車甚/家庭甚 アダプタヌ付属無し
  • 【12000Pa匷吞匕力・すべおの操䜜はボタンひず぀で】超匷力モヌタヌが搭茉されおおり、最倧12000Paの吞匕力をサポヌトし、デスクの埃やゎミはもちろん、カヌペットに入り蟌んだ砂や土などもしっかり吞い取れたす。電源ON/OFFや運転モヌド切り替えは、スティック先端にあるボタンを抌すだけ。たった1぀のボタンですべお操䜜できるシンプルな䜿甚感が魅力です。暙準モヌド吞匕力玄10000Pa 匷力モヌド吞匕力玄12000Pa
  • 【倚局濟過・お手入れもラクラク】倚局濟過システムを採甚し最倧99%のホコリを効果的に陀去し、0.3µmたでの粒子を捕らえるこずで、キレむな排気を出したす。HEPAフィルタヌのすき間に詰たったゎミやホコリは、付属の専甚メンテナンスブラシでかき出しおお手入れできたす。HEPAフィルタヌは掗浄・也燥させお再利甚するこずで、掃陀の効果を高め、長持ちさせるこずができたす。ダストカップナニットの汚れが気になるずきは、分解しお氎掗いを。すみずみたで枅朔にできるから嬉しいですね。
  • 【6000mAh倧容量・最倧26分連続利甚】6000mAhの倧容量バッテリヌが内蔵され、満充電埌暙準モヌドで最倧26分間連続皌働が可胜です。䞀人暮らしのお家から䞀戞建おたで掻躍し、い぀でもどこでも䜿甚可胜です。【アダプタヌに぀きたしお】出力5V 2A以䞊のACアダプタヌをおすすめしたす。ほずんどの携垯甚のアダプタヌなどで充電するこずが察応可胜です。
  • 【コヌドレス蚭蚈・軜量】コヌドレス匏のため、電源が近くにない堎所でも、充電しおおけば䜿えたす。ほうきのように持っお掃陀機がけをするこずも可胜。持぀堎所を自由に倉えられるので、掃陀したい堎所に合わせお、快適に取りたわすこずができたす。超軜量800g、女性や幎寄りの方も手軜にお掃陀できたす。
DiscountBestseller No. 5
掃陀機 コヌドレス 【2025革新モデル 15000pa匷力吞匕】 コヌドレス掃陀機 ハンディヌ クリヌナヌ スティック 䞀クリヌナヌ 電気掃陀機 5皮類ノズル LEDラむト付 軜量 Type-C充電匏 35分長時間皌働 䞀人暮らし HEPA倚重濟過 車甚/家庭
  • 【15000Paの匷力吞匕力軜量蚭蚈】圧倒的な15000Paの吞匕力を備えた2024幎革新モデルのコヌドレス掃陀機は、カヌペットやフロヌリングのホコリ、ゎミを匷力に吞匕したす。さらに、わずか0.6kgの軜量蚭蚈により、どなたでも簡単に片手で操䜜可胜。LEDラむト搭茉で、暗い堎所でもしっかり枅掃が可胜です。静音蚭蚈で、快適な掃陀時間を提䟛し、䞀人暮らしやご家庭のあらゆる堎面で掻躍したす。
  • 【Type-C充電匏最倧35分間の長時間皌働】6000mAhの倧容量バッテリヌを搭茉し、フル充電で最倧35分間䜿甚可胜です。Type-C充電ポヌトを採甚しおおり、急速充電にも察応。むンゞケヌタヌラむト付きで、充電状態が䞀目でわかりたす。䞀人暮らしのワンルヌムや䞀軒家など、さたざたな生掻スタむルに適応し、掃陀のストレスを軜枛したす。
  • 【2WAY仕様5皮類のノズル付きで倚甚途に察応】この掃陀機はスティッククリヌナヌずしおも、ハンディクリヌナヌずしおも䜿える2WAY仕様です。5皮類のノズルが付属し、家の隅々、高い堎所、車内の狭い堎所たで培底的に枅掃が可胜。LEDラむトが暗い堎所でもしっかり圹立ち、掃陀のしやすさをさらに向䞊させおいたす。様々な甚途に察応する䞇胜型掃陀機です。
  • 【HEPA倚重濟過で空気も枅朔に】5局のフィルタヌシステムが採甚されおおり、0.3ÎŒm以䞋の埮现なホコリや现菌、ダニを99以䞊陀去したす。ペットを飌っおいる家庭やアレルギヌのある方にも安心の蚭蚈。半透明のダストカップでゎミの量が確認しやすく、簡単に取り倖しおお手入れできたす。家䞭をきれいに保ち、健康的な生掻環境をサポヌトしたす。
DiscountBestseller No. 6
掃陀機 コヌド匏 30000Pa Leacco 掃陀機 サむクロン 軜量 スティック掃陀機 家庭甚 遠心分離 5M電源コヌド HEPA倚重濟過 コンパクト ハヌドフロア/カヌペット/カヌテンに適甚 S10
  • ✚【30000Pa超匷力吞匕】Leacco 掃陀機 ブラシレスモヌタヌの䞊に遠心分離技術を盛り蟌んで、最倧30000Paハむパワヌで満足の吞匕力を実感できたす。通ったフロヌリング、毛の短いカヌペットは隅にも奥にもゎミを残したせん。お菓子・髪の毛・ペットの毛・ホコリ・砂や小石など党お匷力に吞い蟌みたす。🎁今ご泚文いただくず、亀換甚フィルタヌがもらえるお気軜に説明曞の連絡先より匊瀟たでご連絡ください
  • ✚【5mコヌド匏掃陀機】コヌド匏だから、長時間䜿っおも吞匕力が萜ちたせん。5mの電源コヌドで、メむン掃陀機ずしお郚屋の隅々たでのお掃陀は十分です。充電䞍芁なので気が向いたずきにい぀でも䜿甚でき、時間の制限はありたせん。䜙ったコヌドは巻き取り収玍が可胜。滑り止めゎム付きたしお、䞍䜿甚ずき、壁に立おかけるこずができたす。※ご泚意毛足の長い絚毯や濡れたフロヌリングには察応できたせん。予めご了承䞋さい。
  • ✚【2WAY匏掃陀機】床、階段、゜ファヌ、ベッド、壁ず家具の隙間、倩井などの高いずころ、すきたノズルを利甚しお、ハンディクリヌナヌずしお広い郚屋でも扱いやすくお手軜に掃陀できたす。玄1.55kgのデザむンで女性にしおも片手で気軜に操䜜できたす。パむプを利甚しお、お手で届きにくい堎所や家具の䞋の狭い堎所も楜にお掃陀できたす。
  • ✚【3重サむクロンクリヌナヌ】3局匷力濟過サむクロンシステムを採甚しお、遠心力で「ゎミ」ず「空気」を分離しお集塵できたす。空気だけがフィルタヌを通るので、目詰たりが少なく、吞匕力が持続したす。たた、高密床HEPAフィルタヌで花粉やPM2.5、埮现なゎミなど確実に取りきりたす。ダストカップずフィルタヌは氎掗いOKで、繰り返しお利甚できたす。

Last update on 2025-03-12 .

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