Best Sneakers for Men in Japan: Review in 2025

Not a very long time ago, there was a period when attending an event in a pair of sneakers was a very special way to flag yourself amongst your colleagues like a sartorial pariah. However, these thoughts have shifted in many ways. This transformation from the running track to the runway has been a slow procedure. Thanks to all leading designers and sneaker brands who in all possible directions have pushed the footwear to its edge. Some popular brands that pushed their models to the edge of success are Nike, Adidas, Jordan, Puma, etc.

Nike is at the top of the hype for many years. Nike brand shoes were first launched in 1972 by Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight. The journey of this brand began with the story of Blue Ribbon Sports back in 1964. Since then they have had to face many ups and downs, but finally, they are now established as a well-furnished company. Every brand tries to do something different from others. To make a difference in athlete performance, Adi Dassler; the founder of Adidas, started his journey in 1949. These sneakers are now widely used in the sports sector. Puma is said to be the third-largest sportswear manufacturer in the world. Adi Dassler’s brother Rudolf Dassler founded this company in 1948. Puma launches the Super Atom, the first football boot that uses screw-in studs. Besides these, some more brands have arrived at today’s demanding position over years.

These brands have launched sneakers of different designs which attract both male and female travelers, tourists, and players. People also can use these sneakers for regular jogging. In this article, we are going to note the top 8 models of sneakers and their brands available on Amazon.

Photo: Adidas-sneakers
Brand Adidas
Product Name ADIPACE VS
Material Synthetic fiber, synthetic leather, rubber sole
Available Size 22.0 – 32.0 cm
Sole Thickness 1.5 cm
Closure Lace Up

Adidas ADIPACE VS Sneakers are one of the top-rated among all other sneakers available. These sneakers are found in different comfortable sizes, making it easy for consumers to choose according to their feet length. Moreover, this model provides about ten to eleven variants, which impact customers’ minds. The specialty of ADIPACE VS is the three stripes on the outer part of the shoe. The interior is also designed with a casually punched three-stripe. These stripes are constructed of synthetic leather. Its width is slim and also the bottom part is thin. So, you might not find that much shock absorbency on concrete. Adidas ADIPACE VS is a great choice for jogging and casual use.

These Adidas sneakers are not waterproof. This might be one disadvantage of this shoe. But anyway, the original copies of Adidas are admired worldwide. Rather than that, I recommend this sneaker as a perfect choice for people of all sectors.

Nike Tanjun Sneakers
Photo: Nike Tanjun Sneakers
Brand Nike
Manufacturer Nike
Product Dimension 30.2×19.1×10.4 cm
Available Size 24.0 – 32.0 cm
Sole Thickness 2 cm
Weight 400 gm

Being available in different stylish variants, Nike 812654 – 011 Tanjun Sneakers are also found in many comfortable sizes which makes it very clear to the buyers which one to choose and which one not to.

Designed with a clean and contemporary design and the finishing touch is also very smart. The color tone which is used while designing these shoes makes them more stylish. Nike Tanjun Sneakers can be worn with any outfit and they will surely make you look even cooler. These shoes are very light and you can easily walk for as long as you want. Most of the customers gave satisfactory opinions after buying this Nike product. It is safe if you order a half-centimeter of larger size than your feet size as some have complained about this issue after buying. Rather than that, there is no issue with the product material quality, product design, style, or even with the bottom part. I also recommend this as a very good choice.

Adidas Mens Running Shoes
Photo: Adidas Mens Running Shoes
Brand Adidas
Manufacturer Adidas
Product Name Adidas Falcon Run
Material Leather
Available Size 24.5 – 31.0 cm
Sole Thickness 2.5 cm
Closure Lace Up
Sole Material Rubber
Weight 700 gm

Adidas Falcon Run is the best running sneaker for men available in Japan. This is one of the best-selling running shoes available on Amazon. Available in many variants and colors, which makes it look more attractive; the high-quality leather material gives it a comfortable feel. The soft cushioning allocates comfortable footwork with this shoe. That’s why it is one of the best choices for travelers, sportsmen, and even for a casual walk. It can also make your jogging more fun. With all the good quality specifications, these Adidas Falcon Run sneakers can be available at a cheap rate which is very satisfying to many buyers as not everyone can afford to buy high-budget sneakers. Some people may complain about sole quality, but it depends upon how you use your material. If you rush to your materials, nothing is going to last long. As far as I have judged, this can be a good choice for every sector.

Nike AQ7481 002 Downshifter 9
Photo: Nike AQ7481 002 Downshifter 9
Brand Nike
Product Name Downshifter 9
Available Size 24 – 33 cm
Closure Lace Up
Sole Material Rubber
Product Dimension 33x23x13 cm
Weight 345.86 gm

Nike Downshifter 9 is another very popular model of the Nike brand. Its building process is very nice. The upper portion is built of lightweight mesh for proper breathability and comfort. And for structural support, the knit mesh is kept tight which also provides support for your balancing. It is a very good choice for school shoes, and walking shoes. But it might be a little uncomfortable for jogging and sportsmen. Anyway, the build quality is satisfying and the price is also very affordable. So, you can also have good products at a cheap rate. For its tight structure, some people find this sneaker irritating to use. It is said that, because of the tight border, the shoe hits the ankle, and sometimes it is very painful. So it is highly recommended that while buying this sneaker, you must take one centimeter bigger than your original feet size.

Nike 749794 010 MD Runner 2 Mens
Photo: Nike 749794 010 MD Runner 2 Mens
Brand Nike
Manufacturer Nike
Product Name MD Runner 2
Material Synthetic
Available Size 24 – 29 cm
Closure Lace Up
Sole Material Rubber
Sole Thickness 2 cm
Product Dimension 24x9x5 cm
Weight 400 gm

Nike MD Runner 2 is only available in one variant. The upper part of these sneakers is constructed with synthetic breathable mesh and a suede overlay. The sole is thick which is made of rubber and it provides a good heel height too.

Nike users are all comfortable with this product and if someone goes for a second or third pair, he always sticks to Nike. One problem which I think many of the consumers complained about is, the size getting short. So it is hardly recommended that while ordering, don’t forget to put at least one centimeter extra than your original feet size. Rather than that, this MD Runner 2 is good and comfortable for running and jogging. This is also a good option for hill trekking and travel lovers. Being this product so lightweight, you can easily carry your pair if it is necessary. Finally, in conclusion, this is a very budget-friendly product.

PUMA Mens Smash V2
Photo: PUMA Mens Smash V2
Brand PUMA
Manufacturer PUMA
Product Name Men’s Smash V2
Material Fabric and Synthetic
Available Size 21 – 32 cm
Closure Hook and Loop Fastener
Sole Material Rubber
Product Dimension 27.94×17.01×9.9 cm
Weight 658 gm

PUMA Men’s Smash V2 is a popular choice as a running and jogging pair. Made with fabric and synthetic and the sole part is constructed with rubber. The sole grip is also very supportive. You can easily adjust it with your feet as many sizes are available. The shoe is also wide enough which gives you proper comfort while running or walking.

Customers are truly very satisfied with this amazing product. Be sure about the original and fake products before buying. These sneakers can be a very good choice as a gift too. The design and outlook are pretty simple which adds more attraction to some customers. Besides, this PUMA Smash V2 is available in many color combinations. So while choosing, you won’t have to stick to one color only. Its closure type is a little different from other products. After reviewing many products, I recommend PUMA Men’s Smash V2 as one of the best running shoes available in Japan. The only disadvantage is that this product is not water-resistant.


The sneakers models and brands stated above are the most reviewed and best-rated in Japan. All the sneakers are good from different parts of their actions. Even not all sneakers are for the same purpose. Some are good for walking and jogging, some are good for traveling and tracking, and some of them are best for athletes. Some are for men and some others are specially built for women. So while choosing, you need to have a close look at the product model, specification, and price too.

You can also check the Amazon bestseller men’s sneakers list:

DiscountBestseller No. 2
[W Wonyo] シューズ メンズ スニーカー ス ポーツシューズ ランニングシューズ 運動靴 ウォーキングシューズ トレーニング ジョギング 軽量 通気性 厚底 大きい 人気 カジュアル メッシュ 防滑 blue 42
  • ソール素材: EVA
  • 留め具の種類: レースアップ
  • 【サイズ説明】:タンの小さなラベルはヨーロピアンサイジングです(EUR)。EUR 39 =日本24.5cm、EUR 40 =日本25cm、EUR 41 =日本25.5cm、EUR 42 =日本26cm、EUR 43 =日本26.5cm、EUR44=日本27cm、EUR45=日本27.5cm、EUR46=日本28cm
  • 【蒸れない】ウォーキングシューズのアッパーはメッシュ素材を採用して、ソール部分も通気用の穴があり、通気性が抜群、長時間履いても蒸れにくい、爽やかな履き心地を実現しました。
Bestseller No. 3
[triple win] ウォーキングシューズ スニーカー メンズ 晴雨兼用 防水 軽量 幅広 4E 内側ファスナー (ブラック, 日本の靴のサイズ寸法, 大人, 数値, 4_e, 25.0 cm)
  • 【幅広4E設計】靴幅にゆとりのあるEEEE設計で足を入れたときのゆとり感がGOOD。厚手のソックス履きでもゆったりお履き頂けます。
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  • 【お薦めのサイズ感】幅感ゆったりのデザインですが素材の<もちもち感>が強いためやや小さめのお作りです。ワンサイズ大きめをお薦めしております。
Bestseller No. 5
[ブラッチャーノ] スリッポンスニーカー B7358-B メンズ PU BROWN 26.5 cm
  • 通気性の良い素材
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  • バルカナイズド製法
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Bestseller No. 6
[アディダス] スニーカー VL コート ベース NLF52 フットウェアホワイト/コアブラック/グレーワン(ID3711) 29.5 cm
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Last update on 2025-02-10 .

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