Best Wireless Mouse for Computer in Japan (Expert Review in 2025)


With the advancement of the digital world, new electronic devices are constantly appearing, which has made people’s lives easier and has made the pace of work even upward. An example of such a device could be a wireless mouse. Now let’s talk about the origin of the wireless mouse. There is not much difference between an ordinary wired mouse and a wireless mouse. Yes, maybe the functions are more or less between different brands. The major advantage of a wireless mouse is its portability. You can easily carry it wherever you need it. Even a wireless mouse is somewhat more efficient than wired mice.

In this article, Sakuron Japan would like to explain some of the best quality wireless mice that will offer you the best experience. So, let’s take a look at those wireless mice and their features.

If you are in a hurry, you can buy the best item based on your budget, preference, and our recommendation given below. Based on our study, we concluded that-
– The Overall Best – Logitech MX Master wireless mouse
– The Editor’s Choice – Logitech MX Master 3S wireless mouse
– The Premium Quality Product – Razer Basilisk V3 Pro wireless mouse

Logitech MX Master Wireless Mouse
Photo: Logitech MX Master Wireless Mouse

Logitech has been a trusted brand for computer accessories for many years. This brand has launched a mouse, keyboard, webcam, headset, speaker, and more. Every kind of product has multiple brands. In this article, we have picked 3 different models of the Logitech brand.

If you are looking for a wireless mouse with extra power and high performance, then no wonder the Logitech MX Master wireless mouse is going to be one of the best picks for you. It contains 5 different buttons where you can assign different functionalities according to your need. And all these you can easily do with software. It is operated by batteries.

This mouse is compatible with both Windows laptops/computers and Apple MacBook. Besides that, the shape of this Logitech mouse is so perfect that any user will quickly adjust to it. The laser tracking system provides smooth and precise performance on any kind of surface. You can use this wireless mouse lying on your bed or even on a glass surface. The regular mouses will not provide you with a similar kind of service at all.

Wireless Mouse
Photo: Logitech MX Master 3S Wireless Mouse

This Logitech MX Master 3S model mouse is equipped with a dark field laser sensor that will give you the exact sensitivity on any kind of surface. The outlook is so awesome that you can use it at home, school, university, office, and anywhere.

The core attraction of this wireless mouse is its battery life. If you do not want to worry much about charging, then this Logitech wireless mouse is a blessing for users like you.

This model is structured with a powerful Lithium-Polymer battery. And with one full charge, you can use this product for up to 70 days. I think there is no other model like the Logitech MX Master 3S that can offer you this amount of battery backup.

wireless mouse
Photo: Razer Basilisk V3 Pro wireless mouse

Razer is one of the most well-known and popular brands in the world of electronic products. The products of Razer brand are mostly famous for their attractive outlook and high performance. If you are someone who loves RGB features, then this Razer Basilisk V3 Pro wireless mouse will be the best pick for you. Its movement detection is operated by optics so that you can have the best sensitivity experience.

Besides, the unique shape with a sharp edge and RGB lighting feature will amaze any user. Usually, these kinds of mice are a little heavy. But this Razer Mamba is a little unique. It is so light in weight that anybody will feel comfortable using this device.

Microsoft Wireless Mouse
Photo: Microsoft Wireless Mouse

Microsoft is famous for its easy operating system. The mouse from Microsoft company also follows a similar style. The outlook of a Microsoft mouse is a typical one. If you like simplicity in design outlook, this is a great choice for you. This type of mouse is usually allocated in school, college, and university laboratories. It is ok to use in the office work too.

Now let’s discuss some of the features of the Microsoft wireless mouse. This wireless mouse has been designed for comfort and thinking about a mass group of users. It has built-in transceiver storage for ultimate mobility. With its comfortable grip and scroll wheel, this mouse is the ideal device for mobile users today. This mouse will fit under your palm.

Logitech M510 Wireless Mouse
Photo: Logitech M510 Wireless Mouse

This is the 3rd Logitech brand mouse on our list. Not everyone’s choice is equal, even in the case of the mouse. Not everyone will like fancy-shaped accessories. Also, everyone is not comfortable with heavy designs. This Logitech M510 can be a good choice for them.

The soft rubber grip and simple shape will guarantee all-day comfort. It will improve your work efficiency with its multiple available features. Besides, its pre-installed battery will support you for almost 2 years! Can you even imagine! For the extreme battery life, this wireless mouse is very much in demand. Later you can also replace this depending on your computer or laptop requirements. Even this mouse is compatible with any kind of operating system. So if you love to stay with simple designs and high performance, then this Logitech M510 is surely for you.

Wireless Mouse
Photo: Lenovo Thinkpad Silent Wireless Mouse

Another wireless product with a slim design, and simple shape that you can experience with this Lenovo Thinkpad Silent mouse. It has similar sort of functionalities to other normal mice. For better sensitivity, movement detection is performed by laser and optics.

This Lenovo wireless mouse is very light in weight. So, it is comfortable for all kinds of users. You will have to install batteries separately for this wireless device. This is the slimmest wireless mouse on our list.

This mouse is not only compatible with Lenovo laptops or desktop computers but also with other brand products. Interestingly, this low-price mouse also can be used with Apple MacBook. This mouse is one of the budget-friendly, high-quality mice.

Final words about the wireless mouse

Due to lag or latency, wireless has not been a decent option for gaming mice for years. Today, decent wireless gaming mice can have latency that is just as low as that of wired gaming mice and even lower than that of Bluetooth or non-gaming wireless mice. Even some e-sports professionals now utilize wireless gaming mice. Even if a solid wireless gaming mouse is more expensive, it is an option worth considering if you want to free up your desk, play games at different locations, or find cable drag annoying. A wireless mouse is the best option if you want a portable device and value simplicity and adaptability. A wired mouse can be the ideal option if you need a cheap, quick, and dependable mouse but don’t plan to move it around often.

The information provided in this article has been published after analysis of the available data from different resources. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. To read more reviews such as the best gaming laptopbest budget laptop, and best gaming chair you can check our Electronics Products category articles on the Sakuron Japan website.

– Our editorial team reviewed this article and approved it according to our editorial policy.

You can also check the Amazon bestseller wireless mouse list:

Bestseller No. 1
バッファロー マウス 無線 ワイヤレス 5ボタン 【戻る/進むボタン搭載】 小型 軽量 節電モデル 最大584日使用可能 BlueLED ブラック BSMBW315BK
  • 【対応機種】USB Type-A端子をもつパソコン,タブレット,ゲーム機
  • ■ブラウザの操作に便利な「戻る」「進む」ボタン搭載
  • ■収納できるレシーバー
  • ■高感度BlueLED搭載
DiscountBestseller No. 2
【限定】ロジクール ワイヤレスマウス 無線 マウス M185CG 小型 電池寿命最大12ケ月 無線マウス M185 グレー 国内正規品
  • 【安心の操作距離】最大10mワイヤレス接続が可能
  • 【左右対称型】左利きの方にも使いやすい左右対称型
  • 【複数OSに対応】対応OS:Windows Vista、Windows XP、Windows RT、Windows 10以降、Windows 8、Windows 7、macOS 10.5以降、Chrome OS
  • 【シンプル&快適なワイヤレスマウス】標準機能を搭載した使いやすい小型ワイヤレスマウス
DiscountBestseller No. 3
マウス 無線 静音 【薄型&高精度・高感度】 ワイヤレスマウス 3段階DPI切替 7色ライト付き 2.4GHz 節電モデル 小型 光学式 高精度 左右対称 マウス 無線 充電式 軽量 握りやすい 簡単接続 携帯便利 パソコン マウス Windows Mac PC対応
  • 【高精度&高感度の2.4Ghz無線マウス】充電式 マウスは成熟した2.4GHz接続技術を採用し、ワイヤレスマウスの使用をより高精度かつ高感度にします。半径10mの広い範囲で安定したデータ通信が可能です。瞬時にどんなデバイスにも接続でき、滑らかで迅速な性能を提供します。低遅延で中断しないため、ゲームをしても仕事をしても、どんなシーンでも安定した接続をもたらします。また、無線マウスなので、使用時にケーブルによる煩わしさを気にする必要がなく、スムーズな使用体験をもたらします。ユーザーの作業効率を大幅に向上させました。
  • 【3段階のDPI&おしゃれ七色ライト】無線マウス は3段階のDPI調整可能ができ、静音 マウスの速度を自由に調整できます。DPIボタンを押すだけで、800/1200/1600の三つのマウス速度調整が可能で、操作は非常に簡単で便利です。編集やデザインに適した800dpi、ゲーム(FPS)やイラストなどの精密な作業に適した1200dpi と1600dpi、これらは全て簡単な操作で実現できます。異なる使用シーンに応じて適切な設定を使うことができます。無線マウスにはおしゃれな七色ライトが装備されており、異なる色を変化させて楽しい視覚効果を提供します。仕事のシーンでもゲームのシーンでも、人々に楽しみをもたらします。
  • 【軽量&持ち運び便利&静音】薄型ワイヤレスマウスは軽量な特徴を持っており、バッグに入れてもその存在をほとんど感じられません。また、薄型マウスの薄型設計により、あまりスペースを占めません。そのため、非常に持ち運びや収納が便利です。外出先でのビジネスでも、面倒を感じることはありません。また、ワイヤレス マウスは極めて静音な設計で、使用時の音は人の話し声よりも小さく、非常に静かなシーンでも他人に影響を与えず、とても快適な使用体験が得られます。
  • 【人間工学設計&高耐久性】ワイヤレスマウスは軽くて表面が滑らかで、人間工学に基づいて設計されています。手のひらにフィットし、手触りが良く、スムーズな使用体験をもたらします。長時間の使用でも疲れにくいです。シンメトリーなデザインなので、利き手でも利き手でも使いやすいです。また、500万回のクリックにも耐えられるように設計されており、非常に長時間使用できるのが特徴です。
DiscountBestseller No. 4
Logicool G ゲーミングマウス G304 LIGHTSPEED ワイヤレス ゲーミング マウス 軽量 99g HERO 25K センサー 6個プログラムボタン 250時間連続使用可能 ホワイト PC windows mac 国内正規品 【 ファイナルファンタジー XIV 推奨モデル 】
  • 【Logicool G G304 ワイヤレスゲーミングマウス】G304はワイヤレス入門モデルでありながら、LIGHTSPEED技術の1msワイヤレス、独自開発のHEROセンサー、プログラム可能な6個ボタンを装備する、99gまで軽量した持ち運び便利な小型デザインで初心者からプロまでに愛用される。
  • 【遅延のないワイヤレス】超高速LIGHTSPEED技術搭載で1msワイヤレスゲーミングマウスG304は有線ケーブルの煩わしさから解放されます
  • 【独自開発のHERO 12K センサー】次世代HERO 12Kオプティカルセンサーを搭載し、電源効率は約10倍向上し、最大のトラッキング精度を実現。ゲーム用のカスタムプロファイルやマウス感度の微細な調整も100~12,000DPI可能。(G HUB使用時1単位から調整可)
  • 【250時間の連続ゲームプレイ】パフォーマンスモードでは、単三形乾電池わずか1本で最大250時間連続のゲームプレイが可能です。一日3時間でゲームするなら約3か月間電池交換不要との換算。電池残量が15%になると赤で点滅するバッテリーインジケーターライトも搭載。
Bestseller No. 5
バッファロー マウス 無線 ワイヤレス 静音 5ボタン 【戻る/進むボタン搭載】dpi切替 BlueLED ブラック BSMBW325BK
  • 【対応機種】USB Type-A端子をもつパソコン,タブレット,ゲーム機
  • ■インターネットが快適な「戻る」「進む」ブラウジングボタン
  • ■握り心地を追求した、長時間の使用でも疲れにくい形状
  • ■クリック音が静かな場所でも気にならない静音設計
Bestseller No. 6
HP マウス 静音クリック BlueLED 無線 ワイヤレス HP 280 ワイヤレスマウス 電池寿命最大18カ月 エルゴノミクス ブラック(型番:19U64AA#UUF) Mac Windows PC MacBook対応【国内正規品】
  • 接続 : USB-Aレシーバー接続(2.4GHz)※接続用USBドングルを本体内に収納可能
  • マウスパッド無しでも快適に動作するHP Blue Optical Technology採用
  • ボタン : 3ボタン(スクロールホイール内蔵)
  • サイズ(幅・奥行き・高さ):約70mm x 約110mm x 約40mm

Last update on 2025-03-12 .

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