Best Sand for Cats in Japan: Expert Review in 2025

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If you are a new cat owner you must have faced many issues regarding how to feed a baby pet, make them play, train them for their toilet, and so on. Among all of them, most people have questions about cat litter management. There are varieties of cat litter available. Some of them are in sand form, while others are in chip form. These cat litter also contain different specialties like odor-removing, anti-bacterial, and deodorizing qualities. Most new pet owners fail to decide properly. This article will discuss several best-rated cat litter brands and all of their specifications available in Japan.

If you are in a hurry, you can buy the most suitable item based on your budget, preference, and also our recommendations given below. Based on our study, we concluded that-
– The Editor’s Choice – Wooden cat sand
– The Overall Best Product – Nyantomo Clean Toilet Deodorizing Antimicrobial Chip
– The Best Value Product – Lion Odor-Absorbing cat sand

The Best 5 sand brands for cats in Japan

  1. Nyantomo Clean Toilet Deodorizing Antimicrobial Chip
  2. Lion Odor-Absorbing Cat Sand
  3. Wooden cat sand
  4. Tofukas Sand K Cat Sand
  5. Deosand Cat Sand, Paper Sand

Here are the details of each item on the above list-

Nyantomo Clean Toilet Deodorizing Antimicrobial Chip
Photo: Nyantomo Clean Toilet Deodorizing Antimicrobial Chip
Brand Clean Toilet With Nyan
Pet Type Cat
Special Feature System Toilet
Available in 2.5L x 3 packs;
2.5L x 6 packs;
4.4L pack;
4.4L x 4 packs


Nyantomo cat litter is one of the most popular and widely used cat litter in Japan. It is lightweight, absorbs cat pee quickly, and removes odor very fast. Moisture-wicking is too fast, and it is also easy to use. That’s why most cat lovers prefer this brand. Nyantomo cat litter is available in different quantities. So you can purchase according to your demand. While these antimicrobial chips are used, they produce a good smell of wood. The chips don’t turn into dust when covered with cat pee. As it is a very famous brand and its impressive qualities, the cost is a little high. But quality indeed costs money.

Lion Odor Absorbing Cat Sand
Photo: Lion Odor Absorbing Cat Sand
Brand Lion Odor Absorbing Sand
Pet Type Cat
Color Multicolored
Dimension 15.0 x 11.8 x 2.0 inches
Available in 5.5L x 4 packs

Lion-branded cat sands are popular for their high-quality odor-absorbing feature. Moreover, it wicks moisture very fast, which is helpful to keep your home humidity clean. Multicolored sand looks pretty unique. One bag can be used for a long period. This lion cat sand stops the growth of odor bacteria for 24 hours which helps you keep the cat toilet clean. It also helps to reduce odors produced by ammonia. When a cat does pee or poop, the sand becomes hard. Then it becomes easier to remove it with a scrap. Thus the toilet and the surrounding area can be kept dirt-free. The smell of deodorant released from the sand attracts the customers deeply. That’s why many cat lovers recommend this lion brand cat sand to others.

Photo: Wooden cat sand – Hitachi Kako
Brand Hitachi Kako
Pet Type Cat
Dimension 40 x 27 x 6.5 cm
Available in 6L x 6 packs;
12L pack;
12L x 4 packs

Hitachi Kako is also a very well-known brand. It is available in different quantities according to customers’ choice. Lightweight, good absorbency, and odor decreasing are its specialties. It is also good at moisture absorption. Large grains help cat sand to be less scattered. It also helps cats to walk over comfortably. This brand is less costly than other brands that many customers would love to hear about. But some cats like to do their toilet in large grains, and some cats in the sand. These materials are all for cat purposes, so the product choice varies from one cat to another.

Tofukas Sand K Cat Sand
Photo: Tofukas Sand K Cat Sand
Brand Tofukas
Pet Type Cat
Dimension 11.8 x 2.6 x 17.7 inches
Available in 7L x 4 packs

Tofukas cat sand is one of the best-rated cat sands available in Japan. This cat sand is best at liquid absorbency. This cat sand can be reused by drying up in the sunlight. So in an air-conditioned home, humidity adjustment won’t be difficult. Using this cat sand doesn’t produce any waste; it gets hard firmly after use. Some buyers may not like only one thing about this Tofukas cat sand, which is a little expensive item. And one other thing, as this cat sand is sold as a case consisting of four packs, those looking for a single pack to buy might have a little bit of trouble.

Deosand Cat Sand Paper Sand
Photo: Deosand Cat Sand, Paper Sand
Brand Deo Sand
Pet Type Cat
Scent Uni Charm
Dimension 13.0 x 3.0 x 16.9 inches
Available in 5L  pack;
5L x 6 packs


Like other cat litter, Deosand also contains good absorbency, odor elimination technology, and other qualities. It is also lightweight, which provides your pets with much comfort. Materials of the Deosand brand reduce special uni charm scent which attracts pets and even gives your room a fresh odor-free environment. The used sand can be removed easily as it solidifies to a certain size. All are good about this cat sand or paper sand brand. But the artificial scent they use has been a matter of bother for both pets and their owners. So there is a mixed review among the customers. But overall, it is also a brand of high demand.

Thank you very much for visiting our website. If you have any suggestions, feel free to contact us.
– Our editorial team reviewed this article and approved it for publication.

You can also check the Amazon bestseller cat sands list:

Bestseller No. 1
ライオン 猫砂 ニオイをとる砂 5.5Lx4袋 ケース販売 鉱物タイプ LION PET 【限定】
  • 本体サイズ (幅X奥行X高さ) :38×30×5cm
  • 本体重量:4.4kg
  • 内容量:5500ml
  • 原産国:日本
Bestseller No. 3
ペットプロ 固まる猫砂 大容量 8L すぐ固まる 消臭 ニオイを取る砂
  • 本体重量:7.25kg
  • 本体サイズ (幅X奥行X高さ) :45×7×35cm
  • 原産国:日本
  • ブルーの粒がイヤな臭いを吸収し分解、ピンクの粒は猫にも無害な抗菌剤を使用しています。
DiscountBestseller No. 4
アイリスオーヤマ 猫砂 ペーパーフレッシュ トイレに流せる 固まる PFC-7L (紙製) 7L×6袋 (ケース販売)
  • 梱包サイズ:29×43×7cm
  • 商品モデル番号: 2000019060475
  • 素材: 紙材
  • 対象年齢: すべてのライフステージ
DiscountBestseller No. 5
by Amazon 消臭猫砂 鉱物 (段ボール包装) 無香猫用 5L×4袋 (Wag)
  • Wagの商品が発送される可能性がありますのでご了承ください。
  • 天然鉱物のベントナイト製の猫砂です。
  • 固まるタイプの猫砂で、システムトイレ用の猫砂ではありません。
  • 水洗トイレには流せません。
Bestseller No. 6
【強力消臭】デオトイレ 消臭・抗菌サンド [ニオイ菌99.9%抑制] 18L(4.5L×4袋)[猫砂] システムトイレ 猫用【限定】
  • トイレタリーグッズ ねこちゃん用システムトイレ
  • 撥水サンドで、サンド表面にオシッコ汚れを残さず通過し、ニオわない※1 ※1 オシッコ汚れとはサンド表面に残ったオシッコ液のこと
  • ミクロの穴でニオイを吸着して強力消臭
  • 1ヶ月交換不要※2 ※2 愛猫1頭(体重8kgまで)使用時。ウンチをした場合は早く取り除いてください

Last update on 2025-02-11 .

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